Monitoring & Evaluation Framework – Step Back Think

I was inspired by Step Back Think from the outset. The organisation was established by friends and family of James Macready-Bryan who was severely injured in an act of senseless social violence in 2006. Step Back Think has grown into an organisation campaigning for prevention of social violence in all its forms. When I was […]
Evaluation – Our 3021 Project

The Our 3021 project was a unique and pioneering primary prevention project in Melbourne’s West. HealthWest Partnership, cohealth, Brimbank City Council and IPC Health worked in partnership to design and deliver the project with the local community. The aim of the project was to empower members of the community to design and run their own […]
Evaluation – Reducing Gambling Frequency with Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Communities

In 2015, HealthWest Partnership received funding from the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation to carry out a unique project designed to raise awareness of public health concerns associated with gambling harm and to promote alternative recreational activities for older people in migrant and refugee communities across Victoria. I was fortunate enough to be contracted to carry […]
Evaluation – The Buddy Project (Oral health mentoring)

The Centre for Culture Ethnicity and Health partnered with Barwon Health and Diversitat to improve access to oral health services for local refugee communities. I was fortunate to be contracted to conduct an impact evaluation of this project. This was a fantastic opportunity which involved travelling down to Geelong to observe information sessions with the […]
Evaluation – The Endorsed Trainers Pilot Project

In 2018, Our Watch commenced the Endorsed Trainers Pilot Project with the aim of increasing the capacity of the prevention workforce nationally. The pilot was designed to help Our Watch move away from direct delivery of training and instead partner with organisational and independent trainers to deliver Our Watch training packages, including Putting the prevention […]
Evaluation – Unpacking Violence: A story-telling resource for practitioners

In 2017, Our Watch received funding from the Department of Social Services to develop a resource for prevention practitioners on the non-physical forms of violence against women. The Unpacking Violence resource was developed to support the No Excuse for Abuse social marketing campaign aimed at the general public and was launched in January 2019. While […]
Evaluation – The Bystander Training Pilot Project

In 2017, Our Watch received funding from the Department of Social Services to create the Doing Nothing Does Harm social marketing campaign to promote bystander action against the gendered drivers of violence against women. To strengthen the impacts of this campaign, Our Watch developed and piloted a one-day bystander training package to support prevention practitioners […]
Evaluation – The Line Practitioner and Educator Resources

In 2017, Our Watch was funded by the Department of Social Services to develop a suite of digital resources for practitioners and educators working with young people to prevent violence against women. These resources were designed to strengthen and sustain the breadth and depth of the impact of The Line ‘Never Follow’ campaign by increasing […]